Our Community - Nukhba

Al Nukhba
Al Nukhba Community
Developing the private sector and increasing its contribution to Qatar's economy is a key objective of National Vision 2030. In that regard the government has been consistent in its desire for private/family companies to strengthen the foundations of corporate strategic decision-making.
The government's commitment to the above objectives can be seen in a number of initiatives across the country. We believe that Nukhba can form part of that overall effort giving companies and entrepreneurs access to industry experts in crucial areas such as corporate governance, strategic decision-making and financing alternatives.
The objectives of the programme are to:
- Demonstrate commitment to working with and developing growing companies
- Recognise top performing companies as they reached the next stage of growth
- Create a network effect amongst community members
- Provide additional platform for companies to showcase their excellence
On the completion of each programme companies and their respective representatives will be honoured in an annual recognition ceremony.
In summary, one of the core principles of Nukhba alongside the capital markets training is the medium-term development of an eco-system through which the next generation of Qatar’s most exciting growth companies can be exposed to new financial disciplines, ideas and mentoring all of which assist in the strategic direction of the companies.
Mentoring and networking are key aspects of similar successful initiatives globally.
The tailor made content will be delivered virtually by our partners in an area of their expertise. Each of the modules is designed as part of an overall program which will inform companies of best practice in a number of critical business areas.