QEVM - Vision
Qatar Stock Exchange’s existing Main Market has been the flagship market for leading Qatari companies since its founding in 1997. The market was designed to cater for companies with an established track record, with experienced management teams and who wished to take advantage of the benefits of being a public company but also had the resources and expertise to cater to the disclosure demands and disciplines of being listed.
The development of QE Venture Market has a complementary vision but one which provides an alternative route to market. QE Venture Market will be a new route to market for companies, perhaps with a ‘younger’ profile but companies nonetheless who are growing and need the access to capital that being listed entails.
We envisage that being listed on the QE Venture Market will suit smaller entrepreneurial companies with a more limited track record and fewer resources to meet the heightened investor relations and corporate governance practices demanded of Main Market companies.
Companies on the QE Venture Market will trade on the same infrastructure and benefit from the same regulatory safeguards as that afforded to Main Market companies but will be readily identifiable as a separate and dedicated marketplace.
Over time, we expect QE Venture Market companies to graduate to the Main Market as they grow and develop the necessary track record.