Listing on the Venture Market


In terms of process and procedures, the documentation, application and review process is broadly similar for the Main Market and the Venture Market and both processes are governed by the QFMA Offering & Listing Rules.However, there are differences, designed to provide flexibility to QE Venture Market companies, the most important of which are detailed below:


  • The issuer must be a Qatari public shareholding company
  • The number of non-founder shareholders must not be less than 200 for a public offering and 20 for a direct listing
  • The issuer must have carried out its activity and issued audited financial statements for at least one year
  • The issuer's capital must not be less than 2 million Qatari riyals and must be fully paid
  • The shareholders' equity must not be less than the paid-up capital according to the latest audited financial statements
  • The percentage of shares offered must not be less than 20% and not more than 60% for a public offering and not less than 10% and not more than 60% for a direct listing
  • The issuer must commit to complying with all the requirements set forth by the Qatar Financial Markets Authority, the QSE's Rulebook, and the Commercial Companies Law No. (11) of 2015 and its amendments

For more information on the issues related to listing on the Qatar Stock Exchange, please refer to the Offering and Listing Rulebook issued by the Qatar Financial Markets Authority, the Rulebook issued by the Qatar Stock Exchange, and the Commercial Companies Law No. (11) of 2015 and its amendments. These resources provide valuable information on the regulations and guidelines governing the listing process.

Difference between Main Market and Venture Market


RequirementMain MarketVenture Market
Issued and Paid-up Capital40 million Qatari riyals2 million Qatari riyals
Shareholders Equity to capital100%50%
Offering Percentage

Not less than 20% and not more than 60% (IPO)

Not be less than 25% and not more than 60% (Direct listing)

Not less than 20% and not more than 60% (IPO)

Not be less than 10% and not more than 60% (Direct listing)

Required evaluation reports2 valuation reports (1 valuation report in case of direct listing)
Or Book-building
2 valuation reports (1 valuation report in case of direct listing)
Or Book-building
Historical financial statements2 years audited financials and does not include losses or reservations from the external auditors on the financial statements or about the company's ability to continue its activities.1 year audited financials year and does not include losses or reservations from the external auditors on the financial statements or about the company's ability to continue its activities.
The number of shareholders at the time of listing200 shareholders excluding the founders (IPO)
100 Shareholders excluding the founders owning at least 25% of issued and paid-up capital (Direct listing)
200 shareholders excluding the founders (IPO)
20 Shareholders excluding the founders owning at least 10% of issued and paid-up capital (Direct listing)
Listing AdvisorMandatoryMandatory (optional post listing)
Periodic ReportingQuarterly (published within 30 days), semi-annually (published within 45 days), and annually (published within 90 days)Semi-annually (published within 60 days), and annually (published within 120 days)

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